Comprehensive Lab Testing
The Heal Hive’s “What the Hellth?” Comprehensive Lab Testing takes the guesswork and the hassle out of comprehensive testing.
If you're not feeling your best and haven't found answers to your health problems, or just want a streamlined way to achieve extremely comprehensive functional medicine testing, our focus is helping you find those answers.
What The Hellth is a division of The Heal Hive and is a pioneering comprehensive lab testing program looking at over 300 biometric data points and results using testing available at LabCorp locations nationwide and covered by most health insurers.
Working alongside our doctor partners, we bring over a decade of comprehensive lab testing expertise and comprehension to our clients, allowing them to use their health insurance and minimal adjunct testing to get to the bottom of what ails them.
The Heal Hive tests for the following:
Tick-borne pathogens: Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, Ehrllicia, Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever, and coinfections such as Mycoplasma.
Chronic Inflammation and Immune System Screening
Allergens: Mold, Pollen, Dust mites, Bed bugs, and mast cell dysfunction
Nutrients: We offer the most comprehensive nutrient testing, including sophisticated testing for B12 deficiency, iron, and autoimmune-related nutrient absorption issues.
Metabolic Testing
Autoimmune Testing: Complete screening for over 25 autonomic-related diseases.
Aging and Stress
Comprehensive Thyroid and Endocrine System Testing
Comprehensive Female Hormones: Fertility, potential PCOS, Hormone disruption
Male Health and Hormones
Kidney Health
Liver Health
Heart Health
Pollution Exposure and Poisoning, including comprehensive molds, mycotoxins, and heavy metals screening.
Chronic Pathogenic Infections, including reactivated and new Epstein Barr Virus, Herpes Simplex, COVID-19 markers
You can also opt-in after you receive your Heal Hive Roadmap with additional testing through our services:
Extremely sensitive Tick-Borne Pathogen PCR testing
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Nasal Infections, including MARCONs, bacterial and fungal overgrowth contributing to sinusitis and other ENT-related dysfunction
Home Mold Testing, including Environmental Readiness Index Mold Testing and, if needed, a Heal Hive-approved mold sniffing dog
Microplastic exposure
Included with your testing is a 15-minute consultation with one of our Lab Testing Doctor Partners.
We offer this service as both a DIY program on your own time as well as concierge-style VIP support.
Please use this form to register your interest in joining our “What the Hellth?” Comprehensive Lab Testing Program.
“The Heal Hive Lab Testing saved my life and put me on the road to recovery.
Before I came to The Heal Hive I was close to death. I had multiple Lyme doctors tell me they couldn’t help me any more.
Within two weeks of Bootcamp, I felt my brain and body coming back to life. Now I’m better than I’ve ever been.”
— Kerri Ciullo | @BotanicalBunny | Class of 2019